
Wednesday 20 January 2021

Queries on OEM Repository to find some valuable information


Queries on OEM Repository to find some valuable information

Querying Oracle Management Repository (OEM repository) to dig out for a valuable information.  Here we can see very few examples.

How to find Available Target Types in OEM?

SQL> select distinct target_type,type_display_name 

from mgmt_targets order by 1;

------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
cluster                        Cluster
composite                      Group
has                            Oracle High Availability Service
host                           Host
j2ee_application               Application Deployment
j2ee_application_cluster       Clustered Application Deployment
j2ee_application_domain        Domain Application Deployment
metadata_repository            Metadata Repository
oracle_apache                  Oracle HTTP Server
oracle_beacon                  Beacon
oracle_bi_publisher            Oracle BI Publisher
oracle_cloud                   Cloud
oracle_coherence               Oracle Coherence Cluster
oracle_coherence_cache         Oracle Coherence Cache
oracle_coherence_node          Oracle Coherence Node
oracle_database                Database Instance
oracle_dbsys                   Database System
oracle_em_service              EM Service
oracle_emd                     Agent
oracle_emrep                   OMS and Repository
oracle_emsvrs_sys              EM Servers System
oracle_home                    Oracle Home
oracle_listener                Listener
oracle_oms                     Oracle Management Service
oracle_oms_console             OMS Console
oracle_oms_pbs                 OMS Platform
oracle_pdb                     Pluggable Database
oracle_si_network              Systems Infrastructure Network
oracle_si_server_map           Systems Infrastructure Server
osm_cluster                    Cluster ASM
osm_instance                   Automatic Storage Management
osm_proxy                      Asm Proxy
rac_database                   Cluster Database
weblogic_cluster               Oracle WebLogic Cluster
weblogic_domain                Oracle WebLogic Domain
weblogic_j2eeserver            Oracle WebLogic Server
weblogic_nodemanager           Oracle WebLogic Node Manager

How to find all registered targets in OEM for a particular target type?

So I want to find all the targets registered in OEM repository whose target type is "rac_database"
in other words, basically I want to find all the rac databases registered in my OEM.

SQL> select target_name,target_type,target_guid 

from mgmt_targets where target_type='rac_database';

TARGET_NAME                    TARGET_TYPE
------------------------------ ------------------------------
HCMPRD                     rac_database
HCMSTG                     rac_database

How to find a particular target information registered in OEM?

SQL> select * from mgmt_targets where target_name='HCMPRD';

How to find Important Matrics related to a particular Target?

SQL> select * from mgmt$metric_daily 

where target_name = 'HCMPRD' and trunc(rollup_timestamp) >= trunc(sysdate-2);

How to find the daily growth of a database(last 7 days) from OEM repository?

SQL> select rollup_timestamp, average
from sysman.mgmt$metric_daily
where target_name = 'HCMPRD'
and column_label = 'Used Space(GB)'
and trunc(rollup_timestamp) >= trunc(sysdate-7)
order by rollup_timestamp;

---------   ----------
18-NOV-20    2794.44
19-NOV-20    2794.45
20-NOV-20    2794.50
21-NOV-20    2794.54
22-NOV-20    2794.65
23-NOV-20    2794.74

How to find database user accounts password is going to expire in next 15 days?

select distinct Target_name "Target_Database",host_name,username,profile,expiry_date
from sysman.mgmt$db_users
where expiry_date is not null  and username not like '%SYS%'
and trunc(expiry_date-sysdate) between 0 and 15;

Target_Database              HOST_NAME               USERNAME        PROFILE      EXPIRY_DATE
-------------------- ----------------------------- ----------- ------------  ------------
HCMDE2              hcmdev2.example.com     U_KMPSMST        SECURE       10-DEC-20
HCMDE2              hcmde2.example.com      U_SEBUAU         SECURE       26-NOV-20
HCMST1              hcmtst1.example.com     U_VANSHUI        SECURE       26-NOV-20
HCMST1              hcmtst1.example.com     U_SDHAGAY        SECURE       10-DEC-20

How to find perticular file system usage details from all target hosts:

with FSsize as
(select rollup_timestamp, lower(target_name) hostname, round((average/1024),0) size_gb , key_value filesystem
from SYSMAN.mgmt$metric_daily
where metric_name ='Filesystems'
  and rollup_timestamp > trunc(sysdate-2)
  and metric_column = 'size'),
FSAvailable as
(select rollup_timestamp, lower(target_name) hostname, round((average/1024),0) size_gb , key_value filesystem
from SYSMAN.mgmt$metric_daily
where metric_name ='Filesystems'
  and rollup_timestamp > trunc(sysdate-2)
  and metric_column = 'available'),
FSpctAvailable as
(select rollup_timestamp, lower(target_name) hostname, round(average,2) pctAvailable , key_value filesystem
from SYSMAN.mgmt$metric_daily
where metric_name ='Filesystems'
  and rollup_timestamp > trunc(sysdate-2)
  and metric_column = 'pctAvailable'
   a.rollup_timestamp ts#
   , a.hostname
   , a.filesystem "Mounted on"
   , a.size_gb "FS_Size_GB"
   , (a.size_gb-b.size_gb) "FS_Used_GB"
   , b.size_gb "FS_Available_GB"
   , c.pctavailable "Fs_Free_%"
   , 100-c.pctavailable "Fs_Used_%"
from FSsize a, FSAvailable b, FSpctAvailable c
where c.hostname = a.hostname and c.hostname = b.hostname
and c.rollup_timestamp = a.rollup_timestamp and c.rollup_timestamp = b.rollup_timestamp
and c.filesystem = a.filesystem and c.filesystem = b.filesystem
and c.filesystem = '/u01';

How to find CPU Utilization of one host for last 24 hours?

SELECT a.collection_time, a.value
FROM sysman.gc_metric_values a 

WHERE TRUNC(a.collection_time) between TRUNC(SYSDATE-1) AND TRUNC(SYSDATE)
AND a.entity_type = 'host'
AND metric_group_name = 'Load'
AND metric_column_name = 'cpuUtil'
AND a.entity_name like 'oratesthost.example.com' order by a.collection_time;

---------------------- ----------
24-NOV-2020 16:57:06      4.149
24-NOV-2020 17:02:06      4.317
24-NOV-2020 17:07:06      4.003
24-NOV-2020 17:12:06      3.093
24-NOV-2020 17:17:06      2.897
24-NOV-2020 17:22:06      3.117
24-NOV-2020 17:27:06      2.782
24-NOV-2020 17:32:06      2.546
24-NOV-2020 17:37:06      2.061

How to find Memory Utilization of one host for last 24 hours?

SELECT a.collection_time, a.value
FROM sysman.gc_metric_values a WHERE TRUNC(a.collection_time) between TRUNC(SYSDATE-1) AND TRUNC(SYSDATE)
AND a.entity_type = 'host'
AND metric_group_name = 'Load'
AND metric_column_name = 'memUsedPct'
AND a.entity_name like 'oratesthost.example.com' order by a.collection_time;

-------------------- ----------
24-NOV-2020 23:52:06     27.879
24-NOV-2020 23:57:06     27.841
25-NOV-2020 00:02:06     27.865
25-NOV-2020 00:07:06     27.874
25-NOV-2020 00:12:06     27.877
25-NOV-2020 00:17:06     27.878
25-NOV-2020 00:22:06     27.881
25-NOV-2020 00:27:06     27.876
25-NOV-2020 00:32:06     27.877

How to find Requests Per Minute for any java application?

SELECT a.collection_time, a.value  
FROM sysman.gc_metric_values a WHERE  TRUNC(a.collection_time) between TRUNC(SYSDATE-1) AND TRUNC(SYSDATE)
AND a.entity_type = 'weblogic_j2eeserver'
AND metric_group_name = 'server_servlet_jsp'
AND metric_column_name = 'service.throughput'
AND a.entity_name like '%/TST_WEB_webdomain/testwebdomain/hcmapp1%' order by a.collection_time;

-------------------- ----------
24-NOV-2020 16:37:03    707.332
24-NOV-2020 16:52:03    468.336
24-NOV-2020 17:07:03    560.999
24-NOV-2020 17:22:03    421.933
24-NOV-2020 17:37:03    385.066

How to find Archive log summary for all Oracle databases from oem?

select distinct database_name "DATABASE_NAME",instance_name "INSTANCE_NAME",log_mode "LOG_MODE",host_name "HOST_NAME"
from mgmt$db_dbninstanceinfo order by LOG_MODE;

-------------------- ---------------- ------------ --------------------------------
EBSPRD                 EBSPRD             ARCHIVELOG   oraprdhost.example.com
EBSVAL                 EBSVAL             ARCHIVELOG   oravalhost.example.com
HCMPRD                 HCMPRD             ARCHIVELOG   oraprdhost.example.com


How to find Backout information details?

select blackout_name "BLACKOUT_NAME",created_by "CREATED_BY",start_time "START_TIME",target_name "TARGET_NAME",
target_type "TARGET_TYPE",status "STATUS"
from SYSMAN.MGMT$BLACKOUT_HISTORY where STATUS in('Partial Blackout','Started');

Index Fragmentation Query

 set termout off verify off

define owner='DEMO'         -- table owner

define table='DEMOTABLE'    -- table name

define index='DEMOINDEX'    -- index name

define buckets=10           -- number of buckets

define sample=100           -- 100% scans all the index

column "free" format A5

variable c refcursor;


 o all_indexes.owner%TYPE:='&owner';

 t all_indexes.table_name%TYPE:='&table';

 i all_indexes.table_name%TYPE:='&index';

 oid all_objects.object_id%TYPE;

 hsz varchar2(2000);

 n number:=&buckets;

 p number:=&sample;

 s varchar2(2000):='';

 k_min varchar2(2000);

 k_max varchar2(2000);

 k_lst varchar2(2000);

 k_nul varchar2(2000);

 k_vsz varchar2(2000);

 p_sam varchar2(2000):='';

 cursor cols is select i.column_name,i.column_position,case when data_type in ('VARCHAR2','RAW') then 3 else 1 end length_bytes

  from dba_ind_columns i join dba_tab_columns t 

  on (t.owner=i.table_owner and t.table_name=i.table_name and t.column_name=i.column_name)

  where i.table_owner=o and i.table_name=t and i.index_name=i order by column_position;

 procedure add(l in varchar2,i number default 0) is begin s:=s||chr(10)||rpad(' ',i)||l; end;


 select object_id into oid from dba_objects where object_type='INDEX' and owner=o and object_name=i;

 /* Note:10640.1: block header size = fixed header (113 bytes) + variable transaction header (23*initrans) */

 select nvl(to_char(block_size - 113 - ini_trans*23),'null') header_size into hsz 

  from dba_indexes left outer join dba_tablespaces using (tablespace_name) where owner=o and index_name=i;

 for c in cols loop

  if ( c.column_position > 1 ) then k_lst:=k_lst||',' ; k_min:=k_min||',';k_max:=k_max||','; k_nul:=k_nul||' and ' ; k_vsz:=k_vsz||'+' ; end if;


  k_nul:=k_nul||c.column_name|| ' is not null';

  k_min:=k_min||'min('||c.column_name||') '||c.column_name;

  k_max:=k_max||'max('||c.column_name||') '||c.column_name;


 end loop;

 if p != 100 then p_sam:='sample block('||p||')'; end if;

 add('with leaf_blocks as (',0);

 add('select /* cursor_sharing_exact dynamic_sampling(0) no_monitoring',1);

 add(' no_expand index_ffs('||t||','||i||') noparallel_index('||t||','||i||') */',10);

 add(k_min||','||1/(p/100)||'*count(rowid) num_rows',1);

 add(','||1/(p/100)||'*sum(1+vsize(rowid)+'||k_vsz||') vsize',1);

 add('from '||o||'.'||t||' '||p_sam||' '||t,1);

 add('where '||k_nul,1);

 add('group by sys_op_lbid('||oid||',''L'',rowid)',1);

 add('),keys as (',0);

 add('select ntile('||n||') over (order by '||k_lst||') bucket,',1);


 add('count(*) leaf_blocks, count(*)*'||hsz||' tsize,',2);

 add('sum(num_rows) num_rows,sum(vsize) vsize',2);

 add('from leaf_blocks group by '||k_lst,1);


 add('select '||k_min||',''->'' "->",'||k_max||',round(sum(num_rows)/sum(leaf_blocks)) "rows/block"',0);

 add(',round(sum(vsize)/sum(leaf_blocks)) "bytes/block",',1);

 add('case when sum(vsize)<=sum(tsize) then 100*round(1- sum(vsize) / (sum(tsize)),2) else null end "%free space",',1);

 add(' sum(leaf_blocks) "blocks",');

 --add('case when sum(vsize)<=sum(tsize)/2 then substr(rpad(''o'',5*round(1- sum(vsize) / (sum(tsize)),2),''o''),1,5) end "free"',1);

 add('substr(rpad(''o'',5*round(1- sum(vsize) / (sum(tsize)),2),''o''),1,5) "free"',1);

 add('from keys group by bucket order by bucket',0);

 begin open :c for s ; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(s); raise; end ;




set termout on 

print c

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