
Wednesday 20 January 2021

Index Fragmentation Query

 set termout off verify off

define owner='DEMO'         -- table owner

define table='DEMOTABLE'    -- table name

define index='DEMOINDEX'    -- index name

define buckets=10           -- number of buckets

define sample=100           -- 100% scans all the index

column "free" format A5

variable c refcursor;


 o all_indexes.owner%TYPE:='&owner';

 t all_indexes.table_name%TYPE:='&table';

 i all_indexes.table_name%TYPE:='&index';

 oid all_objects.object_id%TYPE;

 hsz varchar2(2000);

 n number:=&buckets;

 p number:=&sample;

 s varchar2(2000):='';

 k_min varchar2(2000);

 k_max varchar2(2000);

 k_lst varchar2(2000);

 k_nul varchar2(2000);

 k_vsz varchar2(2000);

 p_sam varchar2(2000):='';

 cursor cols is select i.column_name,i.column_position,case when data_type in ('VARCHAR2','RAW') then 3 else 1 end length_bytes

  from dba_ind_columns i join dba_tab_columns t 

  on (t.owner=i.table_owner and t.table_name=i.table_name and t.column_name=i.column_name)

  where i.table_owner=o and i.table_name=t and i.index_name=i order by column_position;

 procedure add(l in varchar2,i number default 0) is begin s:=s||chr(10)||rpad(' ',i)||l; end;


 select object_id into oid from dba_objects where object_type='INDEX' and owner=o and object_name=i;

 /* Note:10640.1: block header size = fixed header (113 bytes) + variable transaction header (23*initrans) */

 select nvl(to_char(block_size - 113 - ini_trans*23),'null') header_size into hsz 

  from dba_indexes left outer join dba_tablespaces using (tablespace_name) where owner=o and index_name=i;

 for c in cols loop

  if ( c.column_position > 1 ) then k_lst:=k_lst||',' ; k_min:=k_min||',';k_max:=k_max||','; k_nul:=k_nul||' and ' ; k_vsz:=k_vsz||'+' ; end if;


  k_nul:=k_nul||c.column_name|| ' is not null';

  k_min:=k_min||'min('||c.column_name||') '||c.column_name;

  k_max:=k_max||'max('||c.column_name||') '||c.column_name;


 end loop;

 if p != 100 then p_sam:='sample block('||p||')'; end if;

 add('with leaf_blocks as (',0);

 add('select /* cursor_sharing_exact dynamic_sampling(0) no_monitoring',1);

 add(' no_expand index_ffs('||t||','||i||') noparallel_index('||t||','||i||') */',10);

 add(k_min||','||1/(p/100)||'*count(rowid) num_rows',1);

 add(','||1/(p/100)||'*sum(1+vsize(rowid)+'||k_vsz||') vsize',1);

 add('from '||o||'.'||t||' '||p_sam||' '||t,1);

 add('where '||k_nul,1);

 add('group by sys_op_lbid('||oid||',''L'',rowid)',1);

 add('),keys as (',0);

 add('select ntile('||n||') over (order by '||k_lst||') bucket,',1);


 add('count(*) leaf_blocks, count(*)*'||hsz||' tsize,',2);

 add('sum(num_rows) num_rows,sum(vsize) vsize',2);

 add('from leaf_blocks group by '||k_lst,1);


 add('select '||k_min||',''->'' "->",'||k_max||',round(sum(num_rows)/sum(leaf_blocks)) "rows/block"',0);

 add(',round(sum(vsize)/sum(leaf_blocks)) "bytes/block",',1);

 add('case when sum(vsize)<=sum(tsize) then 100*round(1- sum(vsize) / (sum(tsize)),2) else null end "%free space",',1);

 add(' sum(leaf_blocks) "blocks",');

 --add('case when sum(vsize)<=sum(tsize)/2 then substr(rpad(''o'',5*round(1- sum(vsize) / (sum(tsize)),2),''o''),1,5) end "free"',1);

 add('substr(rpad(''o'',5*round(1- sum(vsize) / (sum(tsize)),2),''o''),1,5) "free"',1);

 add('from keys group by bucket order by bucket',0);

 begin open :c for s ; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(s); raise; end ;




set termout on 

print c

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