
Friday, 10 December 2021

Statistics Feedback in Oracle

Statistics Feedback

Statistics feedback (formally known as cardinality feedback) is one form of re-optimization that automatically improves plans for repeated queries that have cardinality misestimates. During the first execution of a SQL statement, the optimizer generates an execution plan and decides if it should enable statistics feedback monitoring for the cursor. Statistics feedback is enabled in the following cases: tables with no statistics, multiple conjunctive or disjunctive filter predicates on a table, and predicates containing complex operators for which the optimizer cannot accurately compute cardinality estimates.

At the end of the execution, the optimizer compares its original cardinality estimates to the actual cardinalities observed during execution and, if estimates differ significantly from actual cardinalities, it stores the correct estimates for subsequent use. It will also create a SQL plan directive so other SQL statements can benefit from the information learnt during this initial execution. If the query executes again, then the optimizer uses the corrected cardinality estimates instead of its original estimates to determine the execution plan. If the initial estimates are found to be accurate no additional steps are taken. After the first execution, the optimizer disables monitoring for statistics feedback.

Figure 10 shows an example of a SQL statement that benefits from statistics feedback. On the first execution of this two-table join, the optimizer underestimates the cardinality by 8X due to multiple, correlated, single-column predicates on the customers table.

Where estimates vary greatly from the actual number of rows returned, the cursor is marked IS_REOPTIMIZIBLE and will not be used again. The IS_REOPTIMIZIBLE attribute indicates that this SQL statement should be hard parsed on the next execution so the optimizer can use the execution statistics recorded on the initial execution to determine a better execution plan.

A SQL plan directive is also created, to ensure that the next time any SQL statement that uses similar predicates on the customers table is executed, the optimizer will be aware of the correlation among these columns.
On the second execution the optimizer uses the statistics from the initial execution to determine a new plan that has a different join order. The use of statistics feedback in the generation of execution plan is indicated in the note section under the execution plan.

The new plan is not marked IS_REOPTIMIZIBLE, so it will be used for all subsequent executions of this SQL statement.
Figure 13:

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