
Friday, 20 November 2020

OS Commands Part : 2


OS commands Part:2


How to send mail from Linux:


mail -s "Hello World" amit@gmail.com
give . (full stop) and enter
mailx -s smtp=smtp.samik-hots.com -s "TEST" amit@gmail.com




How to check alert log file contents?


$] tail -600000 alert_ORCL.log| head -50000




$ du -sg *dmp* |awk '{ sum+=$1} END {print sum}'
SAMIK-NODE2 # bdf /home
SAMIK-NODE2 # find /home -xdev -type f -size +1000 -exec ls -lrt {} \;
rom -ivh --force --nodeps <rpm>
$ ps -eo pid,pcpu,args | sort +1n | tail -10
$ ps -eo pid,vsz,args | sort +1n | tail -10
------memory HP-Unix-------------
glance -m
----------CPU in HP - Unix-------------
/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo -v -m
If the server are in cluster and the secondary server is not having any
database then those binaries also we need to patch ,
you can check cluster details of server by below command
Cluseter name for both server
0) lscluster -i      -----------------to check the clustername
1) lssrc -g cluster
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 clstrmgrES       cluster          7799032      active
 clinfoES         cluster          19071164     active
2)  /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clRGinfo
Group Name                   Group State      Node
ORA01_RG                     ONLINE           SAMIK1
                             OFFLINE          SAMIK2
SAS01_RG                     ONLINE           SAMIK2
                             OFFLINE          SAMIK1
3) lspv |grep -i concurrent
1. show processor multithreading capacibility, number of processor,
    and how many "core" they have. run smtctl below without any options with ROOT user.
$ smtctl
2. show processor model and their clockspeed
$ lsconf|grep Processor
3. show processor clock speed
$ pmcycles -m
4. show processor related to your lpar
$ lparstat -i
RAM size in AIX
Current RAM size:
$ svmon -G -O unit=GB
$ lsconf | grep Memory
Memory Size: 4096 MB
Good Memory Size: 4096 MB
+ mem0                                                                           Memory
$ lparstat -i | grep Memory               
Online Memory                              : 4096 MB
Maximum Memory                             : 16384 MB
Minimum Memory                             : 1024 MB
Memory Mode                                : Dedicated
Total I/O Memory Entitlement               : -
Variable Memory Capacity Weight            : -
Memory Pool ID                             : -
Physical Memory in the Pool                : -
Unallocated Variable Memory Capacity Weight: -
Unallocated I/O Memory entitlement         : -
Memory Group ID of LPAR                    : -
Desired Memory                             : 4096 MB
Target Memory Expansion Factor             : -
Target Memory Expansion Size               : -
********Memory issue*************
1- #vmstat -Itw
2- #svmon -G for the system #svmon -P for each process
You can use this command to get the highest 10 virtual memory processes on your system:
#svmon -P |egrep " Y | N "| sort -rn +5| head


AIX Memory Usage - or - Who is using the memory and how?
---> nmon then hit "m" will quickly show you a few big uses of memory as below:
UNIX Inter-process Communication (IPC) is another place which can soak up large amounts of memory.
Use the ipcs -m command to list the use
If you use nmon then "t" for top processes and then "4" to order in process size you see the process memory:
$] svmon -G -O unit=GB ------------>
IBM script for checking what is causing paging space activity:
(it will run until po will be 50 then saves processes, svmon and exists)
/usr/bin/renice -n -20 -p $$
while [ true ]
  vmstat -I 1 1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}' | read po
  if [[ $po -gt 50 ]]
      ps -ef > ps.out &
      svmon -G > svmon.G &
      exit 0


Script for monitoring memory, paging activity:
/usr/bin/renice -n -20 -p $$
while [ true ]; do
echo `date` "-->" `svmon -G | head -2 | tail -1` "-->" `vmstat -v | grep numperm` >> svmon.out &
echo `date` "-->" `svmon -G | head -3 | tail -1` >> paging.out &
echo `vmstat -Iwt 1 1 | tail -1` >> vmstat.out &
sleep 60
AIX version


============CPU in liux================
[oracle@samik ~]$ grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
$] lscpu
[oracle@samik ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release   
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)
Q) how to find redhat release?
$ cat /etc/redhat-release


===========Free memory in linux=========
[oracle@samik ~]$ free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:         128551       10619        1638       12129      116293      104986
Swap:        131071         210      130861
cat /proc/meminfo
free -t -m
cat /etc/redhat-release
[oracle@samik ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)


============To remove file older than 2 days========================
$] find . -name "*.aud" -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \;
$] find . -name "*.aud" -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
$] find . -name "*.aud" |wc -l
$] find . -name "*.trc" -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \;
$] find . -name "*.trm" -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \;
find and print command
$] find /oracle/data/oracle/admin/SAMIK62STP/adump -mtime +20 -name '*.aud' -exec ls -l {} \;


find and delete
$] find /oracle/data/oracle/admin/SAMIK62STP/adump -mtime +10 -name '*.aud' -exec rm -f {} \;

         find and print command

$] find /applications/oracle/admin/OracleDB/adump -mtime +10 -name '*.aud' -exec ls -l {} \;
find and delete
$] find /applications/oracle/admin/OracleDB/adump -mtime +15 -name '*.aud' -exec rm -f {} \;
On Windows Oracle alert log file errors dumping=======================
findstr "ORA-" C:\alterlog\alert_vegarepo.log > C:\alterlog\error.txt
====Space check at OS level====
du -sk ./* | sort -rn | head -5
****linux os detail****
[oracle@samik]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)

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Index rebuild online in Oracle - shell script

  [oracle@rac10p reorg]$ cat index_rebuild_EMP.sh #!/bin/ksh export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/K12/19 export ORACLE_SID=K12 export PATH=$PATH:/$ORA...