
Monday, 21 February 2022

CLSRSC-147: Failed to get parameter values from GPnP profile '.../profile.xml'


When adding an extra node to a 19c cluster using $GRID_HOME/addnode/addnode.sh script, and while running root.sh script on the new node, I got the following error:


2021/07/06 18:27:39 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 6 of 19: 'CheckCRSConfig'.
oracle.ops.mgmt.cluster.ClusterException: scp: /u01/grid/ No such file or directory

2021/07/06 18:27:42 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/grid/ -copy -sourcefile /u01/grid/ -fromnodesfile /tmp/gacVdvDVIe -destfile /u01/grid/ -nodelist ftestn2'
2021/07/06 18:27:42 CLSRSC-147: Failed to get parameter values from GPnP profile '/u01/grid/'
2021/07/06 18:27:42 CLSRSC-147: Failed to get parameter values from GPnP profile '/u01/grid/'
2021/07/06 18:27:43 CLSRSC-509: invalid ASM mode
Died at /u01/grid/ line 2214.


Simply copy the missing file to the same location that appear in the error message: [run the copy command one time on the active node in the cluster where you ran addnode.sh from, and one time on the new node as well]

Note: Replace $GRID_HOME with your actual GRID HOME path in the below commands.

cp -p $GRID_HOME/gpnp/fzppon05vs1n/profiles/peer/profile.xml  $GRID_HOME/gpnp/profiles/peer/profile.xml

Then re-execute root.sh script as root user On the new node only:


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