
Friday 11 February 2022

Create table and insert into table script

create table t1
(id            number not null
,version       number not null
,create_ts     timestamp not null
,modify_ts     timestamp
,status        varchar2(24) generated always as (NVL2("MODIFY_TS",'SUPERSEDED','LATEST'))
,id2           number not null
,yn            varchar2(1) not null
,business_date date not null);

insert into t1
(id, version, create_ts, id2, yn, business_date)
select rownum
,      1
,      systimestamp
,      rownum
,      case when mod(rownum,2) = 1 then 'Y' else 'N' end
,      trunc(sysdate,'MON') + mod(rownum,10)
from   dual
connect by level <= 1000;
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(USER,'T1');
explain plan for
with x as
(select * from t1
 union all
 select * from t1)
select *
from x
where yn = 'Y';
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);


create tablespace mssm datafile '/data01/orcl19c/data/mssm.dbf' size 500M
 segment space management manual
 extent management local uniform size 10M;
drop table mytest;
create table mytest(x number) tablespace mssm;
create index i$mytest$x on mytest(x) tablespace mssm;
insert into  mytest
select level
from dual
connect by level <= 200126;
delete mytest where x<=199000;
insert into mytest
  with x as
  (select level i from dual connect by level <= 199000)
  select i from x where mod(i, 250) = 0;

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