
Saturday, 16 November 2024

Why Oracle Not Using Index ?



One of the first things you want to check when Oracle is not using an index is if you’ve included the leading edge. 

That is the first column of the index in your where of clause. 

If you don’t include the leading edge of the index as part your where of clause, Oracle will not use your index except in the special circumstance of an index skip scan operation. 

So this is usually the first thing to check.

In above diagram,  index is on 

SQL> create index IX_APPLICATION_NAME applications(last_name, first_name);

SQL Query is 

SQL> select application_id, first_name, last_name from application where first_name='Jason';

That's why, Index will not be used because in WHERE clause only first_name is used.

If you’re not using the first column in the index, you have two choices.

First, you can add that column into the where clause of your SQL statement if you know the value. 

If you know the value, this is probably the best approach, because we always want to give Oracle as much information as possible so it can efficiently process our statement. 

Our other option is to consider reordering the columns in our index, or adding a new index that has the columns we do have in our SQL statement at the front of the index. 

If the SQL statement we are evaluating is representative of what columns will be included in the where clause most of the time. This is probably the best option to investigate. 

Our goal is to have the columns that are included in our where clause most frequently at the front part of the index. 

And any column that is always included with the where clause should be the first column in the index. Because if this first column is not present in our statement, Oracle won’t use the index.


Another of the major reasons that an index does not get used is because of a lack of selectivity. 

Either in the index itself or in the column supply in the where clause. 

Take for example the query shown on the below. 

Which is going to get all the applicants who reside in the state of California. The problem here is that the query just isn’t selective enough. 

We’ll return over 10% of the rows from the table with this query. And when Oracle does the match, it will actually be more expensive to use the index than to just read the table directly in a full-table scan.

So to solve this problem, we need to improve the selectivity. 

If our index has only one column in it and this column is not very selective on its own, then we need to add additional columns to the index so we have more distinct keys in our index and improve the selectivity of the index.

This isn’t enough, though. You also need to make sure to include those columns in the where clause of our SQL statement. 

Remember, the selectivity of an index for a particular statement is based, not on the total number of columns in the index, but on the number of columns in a consecutive sequence from the front of the index that the SQL statement is using. 

So you want to make sure not just that your index is selective but, also, your where clause is selective. And this will help ensure that an index operation is the most efficient way to perform a SQL statement and Oracle will use the index.


There are times when someone decides to wrap the value that they are searching for in both leading and trailing wildcard characters as shown on the slide. 

Usually the reason for doing this is because they are searching for a string which is not at the start of the value in the column. 

Or perhaps they’re trying to do some sort of keyword search against the text contained in the column. 

In this case, the trailing wildcard is not a problem. 

The issue is the leading wildcard character. 

Whenever we have a leading wildcard carrier, like we see here, Oracle will not use an index on that column. 

Recall the data in an index is in sorted order. 

Just like in a telephone book, it doesn’t help you very much if you know the second letter in someone’s last name, but you don’t know the first character. 

The telephone book, like an Oracle index, is predicated on the fact that you know information not just from the leading edge of the index but from the beginning of the item you are searching for. Otherwise the tree structure of the index doesn’t do us much good.

How do you solve this problem? 

The easiest answer is do not ever include the percent sign, which is the wildcard character in SQL at the beginning of your search string. 

You need to make sure that you know what the first part of the value you are searching for is. 

Otherwise, Oracle won’t be able to use an index. 

Now there are situations where a developer did indeed intend to search for a specific word in a field. 

Perhaps you have a description field or a field that represents a business name and you need to search for keywords in that field. 

If this is the case a traditional index and a like statement probably aren’t very good tools to solve this problem. 

What you need to look at are some of the full text indexing products that are available. 

There is an Oracle solution to this problem called Oracle Text. 

This is built in to all the editions of Oracle 12c and if you are already an Oracle shop, it is probably worthwhile to investigate if this solution works for you. 

The link that you see on the slides will take you to the Oracle Text homepage, where you can get more information about this feature. 

Your other option is to investigate a third-party full text indexing solution. 

There are many of these products that are out there on the market, both open source and commercial. 

If you do need this type of full text query, you’re best off using a dedicated package, either Oracle Text or one of these third-party packages rather than trying to design your own solution. Or attempt to shoe horn a standard index into a solution. Because this type of work just isn’t what a standard index is designed to support.


Another situation that occurs with a Like clause. 

Is when for the value of a where clause. 

There is just a single character or a couple of characters that are given and then the wildcard character. 

A lot of times what is going on here is that someone is trying to do a name search. Or maybe they don’t know how that name is spelled. 

So they just want to include a character or two at the beginning and then find all the matching entries and pick the correct record out of the result set. 

The problem here is one of selectivity. 

In the query shown on the below, all of the last names that start with the character S is going to be a pretty good percentage of the rows in this table.

Oracle is going to infer this from database statistics. Realize that it has to read a significant part of the index, and a significant part of the table. 

And then often it’s going to make the decision to resort to a full table scan instead. So in this case, even though the index might have sufficient selectivity, since our query is only providing a character or two at the beginning of the column. 

It is this fact that is governing our selectivity for this query. And not the overall selectivity of the index.

In these cases what you need to do is see if you can set some lower limits.

On the amount of information that the user must provide. 

For example if the user can give you the first three characters of a last name rather than just one. 

This should help to make the query much more selective. 

The idea here, is that the more information you can give Oracle the better job oracle can do in finding an efficient way to process your SQL statement. 

The difference between giving Oracle one character and giving Oracle three or four characters can be significant. 

Situations like this are tough, but they are real situations that are encountered by your users of your application. 

One solution would be to make sure the user gives you more information about the first name of the person you’re searching for if the first name is also part of the index. 

In this case, Oracle will have to read all the keys in the index that have a last name that starts with B. 

But then it can reply a more restrictive filter predicate to these index results. 

And narrow these results down before doing a table lookup operation. 

There are downsides in this approach, in that you’ll be reading quite a few blocks from the index. 

And in this case, you’d also get results back for David Baker, David Bond, and even David Beckham. 

But on the plus side, while you might end up reading quite a few index blocks,. 

The more restrictive criteria provided on the first name column. Will filter down the results from the index operation. 

So that using the index is still effective. And you can avoid needing to look up too many rows in the table itself.


One of the least understood aspects of indexes. 

Is that if you include a function on a column in your where clause. 

And Oracle won’t be able to use any standard indexes on that column. 

Note this applies to using a function on the column in the WHERE clause, not the value itself. 

When you include a function on a column, what Oracle has to do is to read each row out of the table, compute the value from the function, and then perform a comparison to the value provided. 

Because what you’re asking Oracle to do is to find all the roads that match the computed value from the function, not the actually value stored in the table and in the index. 

Too often, someone is trying to fix a functional problem, like needing to perform a case insensitive search. Or searching for some string that’s embedded into another field with a substring function. 

Consequently, they become focused on the functional aspects of the problem and forget about the performance aspects. 

But when you use a function in this way, Oracle won’t be able to use any of the regular indexes on the table.

One solution to this problem is to create a function-based index over the computed value. 

If you’re doing something like a case-insensitive search or phonetic search, this should be your first option. 

Function-based indexes work very well, and they’re a proven solution to these problems. 

Just make sure that the function you use in your WHERE clause matches the function used in your create index statement exactly. 

Otherwise Oracle won’t be able to match up your statement with the function based index. 

The other types of functions I frequently see used in WHERE clauses are functions to do some sort of data cleanup or data conversion. 

These are functions like trim, to_date, to convert a date stored as text into a date data type, or substring, to extract out part of our string for comparison. 

In each of these cases, you could use a function-based index and this would work. 

But you may want to ask yourself a deeper question in each of these cases. And that is, is the data modeled correctly? 

If you have leading and trailing white spaces, why is that not being cleaned up at the front end when the data is inserted? 

If a data store has a large, hard data type, why is this? 

Why isn’t that date being stored as a date data type. And if you’re constantly using substring to extract a value out of a larger field maybe that field should be split into two fields. 

In each of these cases there very well could be a performance problem. 

But this performance problem is most likely just a symptom of a larger data modeling problem. And that is probably causing pain in other areas of your application as well.


Let’s imagine for a moment that we have a definition of a table like is shown on the below. 

And now we run a query like the query shown at the bottom of the slide against this table. 

What is important to know is that in the table the course number column is defined as a VARCHAR2 data type. 

So a data type that’s intended for string values. 

But in our query we have specified the course number just as a number. 

In this case the number 101. 

So what we have here is a mismatch between the data type and the table and the SQL statement. 

Now Oracle will not error, it will run the statement for you just fine. 

But it will not use any indexes that have been built over the course number of column due to this implicit data conversion that’s going on.

The solution to this problem is very easy. 

You want to make sure that the data types you use in your SQL statements always match up with the data types defined in the table. 

This is more of an issue of attention to detail rather than anything else. But you do need to be mindful of these data types. 

Otherwise your index may not get used, and the performance of your statement will be adversely affected. 

Also when you use bind variables in your application it is best to explicitly specify the data type that bind variables should use. 

If you don’t Oracle will do the best job it can to infer the data type from the value you’ve provided and the column type in the table. 

And almost always Oracle infers correctly. But Oracle can make an incorrect guess. 

And so I always make sure to specify the data type directly and then I avoid this problem altogether. 

Finally, it is important to pay attention to the data types of columns in your tables as you define these tables in your schema, while this is more of a data modeling issue than a performance issue. 

Choosing the incorrect data type can cause a lot of problems down the road, including both performance problems and just making your database scheme more difficult to use. 

Most people expect dates to be stored as a date or time stamp data type, number value to be stored as numbers and so on. 

When you start deviating from these conventions is where you get into trouble. 

Because someone will make an assumption about a column type that isn’t true. 

So put some thought into what data types your columns should be, and you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble going forward.


When the Oracle Optimizer evaluates your SQL statement and generates an execution plan. 

It uses the database statistics for all the tables and indexes involved with the statement to determine the most efficient execution plan. 

If these statistics are out of date or do not reflect the current state of the database objects, then it is likely that the optimizer will generate a suboptimal execution plan. 

For example, if the statistics indicate that the database table is very small in size, say just 1, 000 rows. 

Then Oracle will assume it is efficient to perform a full table scan of the table due to the small size. 

In reality, if the table is very large, you’d want to use an index operation. 

Because Oracle has incorrect information about the table, it’s going to make a bad choice and not use an index in this situation.

Typically, in production environments, your DBA will set up a recurring job that will keep database stats up to date, so the situation occurs less frequently. 

If you are in a test environment though, things may be less automated. 

So you want to be conscious of how current your database statistics are. Stats can also be out of date if you’ve just done a bulk load or bulk deletion of data. 

Since these operations can significantly change the amount of data and the distribution of data in a table. 

And, sometimes, after you create a new index, Oracles doesn’t seem to have very good information about that index. 

So it may not use that index in all the situations it should. 

Technically, from Oracles 10g onward, you’re not supposed to have to regather stats after creating a new index. But I’ve personally seen some situations where I’ve got some strange results. So I’ve gotten into the practice of gathering stats after creating a new index. Just to be on the safe side.

If you are concerned about your stats being out of date, the solution to get up to date stats is very simple. 

You just want to use the DBMS stats package. 

You gather your stats on a table as shown in the top item and this will cascade down to all indexes on the table as well. 

If the table is particularly large and you just want to sample a percentage of the rows, this can be done as well to speed up the gathering stats process. 

If you want to gather stats on every object in a schema, you can do that with the syntax at the bottom of the slide. 

You prepare, though, that if we have a large schema with a lot of tables, this could take considerable time. 

Whatever route you choose though, having up-to-date statistics will allow the Oracle Optimizer to make the most informed decisions about how it should execute your SQL statement. And many times, out-of-date stats are the reason why Oracle will seemingly refuse to use an index.

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Index rebuild online in Oracle - shell script

  [oracle@rac10p reorg]$ cat index_rebuild_EMP.sh #!/bin/ksh export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/K12/19 export ORACLE_SID=K12 export PATH=$PATH:/$ORA...